distribution services
Our most successful program and our biggest accomplishment within the community. Services vary due to donations + volunteers. We are committed to at least bi-monthly services with a minimum of 100 free hot meals. The goal has always been monthly services with 150 meals served. We partner with other local organizations to provide as many services and resources as we possibly can.
Harm reduction
Harm reduction embodies practical strategies and social responsibilities. At our current capacity, NON participates in harm reduction by distributing overdose reversal kits, fighting stigma surrounding people who use, and education about wounds and minor medical concerns. Promoting safe use is essential for preserving the well-being, comfort, and lives in Dayton.
Hygiene kits
Accessibility and convenience is necessary when you don’t always have access to a shower! Often paired with sack lunches, hygiene kits take elements from distribution services and are more compact. Typically serving around 10-20 people at a time. Kits are packed based on the season. At minimum we are committed to distributing 10 bags in the winter and 10 bags in the summer.